Glaucoma specialist eye hospital

Clearing Up Common Myths About Glaucoma

Glaucoma is an eye disease that people fear due to some misunderstood thoughts that are stuck in their minds, either from someone who has only partial information or from Dr. Google. Yes, glaucoma damages the optic nerve and can lead to permanent vision loss if not treated on time, but the good news is that it is manageable with eye hospitals such as Pratibha Hospital, the Best Eye Hospital in Jalgaon with proper treatment through early detection.

The experts at a Glaucoma Specialist Eye Hospital believe that it is very important to have the right information about glaucoma, as it will not only eliminate fear but also help in making informed decisions.

Let’s clear out some myths related to glaucoma, with Jalgaon’s eye experts.

Myth #1: Only Older People Get Glaucoma

“It’s an old person’s disease.” Yes, this is true but partially. It can affect anyone, irrespective of age. Young adults and children can also fall victim to it. 

There are even some forms of glaucoma that are genetically passed on, such as Primary Congenital Glaucoma (PCG) and Exfoliation Glaucoma. That is why it is essential to get timely eye check-ups at the Best Eye Hospital, instead of making assumptions based on age. No matter your age, early detection is key to managing the condition before it leads to severe vision problems.

Myth #2: Glaucoma Always Causes Pain

While some forms of glaucoma, such as angle-closure glaucoma, cause sudden pain, the most common type, primary open-angle glaucoma, does not lead to any pain. That’s why it’s commonly known as the “silent thief”—because the damage begins without any noticeable symptoms.

The vision becomes blurry, and by the time you notice the disease, the vision is already distorted. So, don’t wait for the pain to worsen. Make an appointment with your Glaucoma Specialist Eye Hospital to prevent further vision loss.

Myth #3: I Don’t Need to Worry About Glaucoma If I Have Perfect Vision

Many people think that just because they can see things clearly and don’t have any vision issues, they can’t get affected by glaucoma. But that’s wrong. Glaucoma usually develops without any noticeable signs, making it hard to detect in the early stages. The damage to the optic nerve can lead to high intraocular pressure, which can result in permanent vision loss.

So, the key focus should be on regular eye check-ups, as taking risks with your eyesight is not a good adventure to pursue.

Myth #4: Glaucoma Can Be Cured

The eye experts revealed the fact that, once your organ is damaged, it’s not that easy to get them back to their original condition as well. But the right treatment reduces its negative impact on life’s quality and prevents further damage.

Like when your intraocular eye pressure increases, the damage will definitely start to the optic nerve, but glaucoma usually does not give early warning signals. In that case, the loss is sure, but the right glaucoma specialist eye hospital treatment can convert the adverse situation into not becoming so worse.

Myth #5: Glaucoma Is Only Caused by High Eye Pressure

High eye pressure (intraocular pressure) is one of the factors that can cause glaucoma, but it’s not the only reason behind it. 

The experts at the Best Eye Hospital in Jalgaon suggest that even normal eye pressure can lead to the development of glaucoma. It seems to be a combination of factors, including genetics and the environment, as the exact cause is still under research.

Myth #6: Laser Treatment for Glaucoma Is Dangerous

Laser treatment is usually considered risky because people think that, just because it’s high technology, it involves more cuts. Also, on the other hand, it seems to be costly, as advanced treatment is not always affordable.

The best eye hospital in Jalgaon, ensures that, first of all, treatment through laser technology makes the process simplified and easy to heal. Also, it is a process that is less invasive and painless. Moreover, it is affordable, and there are various options to make it even easier, such as cashless options that reduce financial stress.

Myth #7: People with Glaucoma Will Eventually Go Blind

Another common myth is that glaucoma surely leads to complete vision loss. Well, if glaucoma is not treated on time, then definitely it can take away complete vision. But if the treatment is started, then your vision will be preserved. 

Regular eye check-ups can make it easier, leading to people maintaining good vision quality even while going through glaucoma.

So, there is hardly any disease left whose treatment has not been found yet. What matters is how early you become aware of it—that decides its side effects.

Myth #8: Glaucoma Only Affects One Eye

Glaucoma can affect both eyes. It can even be the case where one eye is more affected and the other less, but yes, there are 100% chances that both eyes get affected by it.

You will be surprised to know that cataracts and glaucoma can be present simultaneously, and that is also true.Instead of making assumptions, ensure to visit a glaucoma specialist eye hospital to get the correct knowledge of the issue present in the eyes. Blind assumptions will make you blind for sure.


By clearing up these common myths, we make the condition more manageable, which otherwise seems difficult to handle.

Do not allow your vision to deteriorate by delaying a check-up. Regular eye check-ups, especially at a Glaucoma Specialist Eye Hospital, are crucial if you notice severe issues causing major disturbances in life.

If you are looking for glaucoma or any eye treatment in Jalgaon, then choose Pratibha Hospital for complete eye treatment, as it will surely give you the favorable outcomes that you are looking for in your eyesight.

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