Best IVF center in Jalgaon

IVF Baby vs. Natural Baby: Expert Opinions From Jalgaon

IVF Baby vs. Natural Baby: Expert Opinions From Jalgaon

The joy of bringing a new life into the world cannot be expressed in words. For many, this journey goes smoothly and naturally, while others find some challenges, seeking the help of medical science.
In-vitro fertilization (IVF) has become a strong ray of hope for couples facing infertility issues. But here comes the common question: Is there a difference between an IVF baby and a natural baby?
To answer this, the Best IVF specialists in Jalgaon are gaining valuable insights by sharing the right information about IVF and natural conception.

What Is IVF?

IVF, or In-Vitro Fertilization, is a medical science process in which the embryo is created through fertilization in a laboratory. The embryo is then implanted in the uterus to achieve pregnancy. This process is making the dream of parenthood come true for millions of people worldwide.

Are IVF Babies Different From Natural Babies?

Let’s directly address this question: Is there any difference between IVF and natural babies?
According to the Best IVF specialist in Jalgaon the answer is a “NO.” The development, health, and characteristics of the baby are the same, irrespective of whether they are conceived naturally or through any IVF technique.

Have a deep look at this:

  • Physical Health:

The process of IVF does not change the genetic traits or immunity of the baby.

  • Emotional Development:

The love and care between the mother and the baby will be the same. The emotional bond will not be hampered, as it never seems to feel like your body’s conceived baby is from IVF.

  • Birth Process:

The process of the birth of the baby depends upon the medical conditions rather than the method of conceiving. The condition during labor will decide whether the baby should be delivered through c-section or naturally.

Common Myths Around IVF Babies

Despite the countless advancements in medical science, myths about IVF still exist. Let’s debunk them with informational insights from the IVF specialists at the Best IVF centre in Jalgaon.

  • Myth: IVF Babies Are Born Prematurely

There is a higher risk of premature delivery, but the reasons are the mother’s health and multiple pregnancies. These conditions depend on the mother’s body, not merely on the IVF process.

  • Myth: IVF Babies Do Not Have Sharp Brains

No, intellectual capabilities depend on genetics and the baby himself. There is no role of IVF in brain development. Talking about sharpness, the healthier the baby’s body, the more effectively the organs will function.

  • Myth: IVF Is Unnatural

The fertilization process, which usually takes place inside the body, occurs outside in IVF. However, the rest is the same—the development of the baby, the genes, and the natural process.

Why Choose IVF?

First of all, it’s not an option; it’s a choice to prefer when you are not able to conceive naturally due to reasons that are beyond your control and need medical intervention to fix.

  • Blockage in Fallopian Tubes or Low Sperm Count
  • Unexplained Infertility
  • Age-Related Fertility Decline
  • PCOD, PCOS, or any other hormonal imbalance
  • Male Infertility
  • Stress
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

IVF vs. Natural Conception: What Parents Should Know

While IVF and natural conception have different points of starting, the journey of pregnancy and parenting is similar.


  • Growth and Development:

Once the pregnancy stage starts, the development of the baby in the womb is similar, having no connection with the method of conceiving.

  • Hormonal Changes:

The hormonal changes, including mood swings, morning sickness, fatigue, increase in blood pressure, and food cravings, are the same.


  • Conception Process:

Fertilization takes place through natural intercourse, while in IVF-conceived pregnancy, the fertilization process takes place in a laboratory, where the embryo is implanted in the uterus to achieve pregnancy.

  • Medical Intervention:

In a natural pregnancy, fewer medicines are prescribed until complications arise. While in IVF-assisted pregnancy, additional medications are prescribed to mitigate the chances of complications in advance.

Why Jalgaon Is The Right Choice For IVF

Let’s have a look at how the best IVF specialist in Jalgaon is making the experience smooth for patients.

  • Proven Records:

The IVF specialists in Jalgaon have a strong track record of success. With many couples having achieved their parenthood dreams, this gives you the confidence to trust them.

  • Dedicated Care:

The staff will make you comfortable the moment you walk in. The doctor is there to guide you every step of the way, answering your queries and making you feel special and valued throughout the process.

  • Transparency:

The complete procedure, including the cost, challenges, and expected outcomes, is discussed during consultations. No surprises are given later as a heartbreak.

  • Customized Treatment Plan Based on the Problem:

We understand that every person has their own unique issue, which is why we believe in having a deep conversation with you so that no room for confusion is left. A perfect treatment plan is then prepared for you.

  • Best IVF Labs:

The laboratory is equipped with the latest technology and advanced facilities, ensuring accurate results and giving your baby the best start.

The best IVF centre in Jalgaon is not just about medical expertise; it’s about creating families and fulfilling parenthood dreams. Their comprehensive approach addresses both physical and emotional needs, making the journey easier for couples.


Natural babies share the same potential for health, happiness, and success. Only the method of conception is different, but the joy they bring to the family does not change.

If you’re in Jalgaon and seeking IVF, choose Pratibha Hospital, the best IVF centre in Jalgaon, ensuring that your health is in capable hands with the best IVF specialist in Jalgaon.

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